
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy Heart

 This is a very short post. I am enjoying a happy heart today! I'm going to keep it getting on the treadmill. Lots to do and things in the works to share with you. Hope you have a wonderful day! Enjoy every moment of the gift that has been given you. Well...I'm off to make my heart smile. lol Happy Day 2 U!

Oh, I just noticed the little sand Angel in the left hand corner of the pics. See if you can see it...let me know .I wrote in the sand one day when I went to the river walk in our town.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sharing My Creative Heart

I am sitting here doing research on my computer...while catching glimpses of the painting staring at me from my easel. Life has been busy today and has kept me away from my one of my favorite spots in my home. That little spot right in front of my easel. Listening to inspiring music, letting my heart touch God, while I paint my inspiration. One of my joys of life.

My little studio is constantly calling my name and I'm sure it is very sad, when I have other things capturing my attention. My studio and I have a relationship. lol I want to be there as much as it misses me. I am enjoying this creative time in my life, and I wish I had more time to paint the day away or write my heart out. I love what I do and I want to do it more! In between...I have to live life and take care of business. It is a joy to have a place in my home set aside for creativity. I look forward to letting my creativity flow. I also look forward to sharing my creative heart with you.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Divine Appointment

This is to update an older post...from back in September of last year. We did paint my living room and I love the way that it looks. I am so thankful to have the mural that I painted for the Coffee house, now in my own home.
There is a story behind that! A few yrs sweet husband decide to plan a special picnic surprise for our anniversary. He woke me early that morning...after he had packed a picnic lunch and planned a romantic spot to take me to. I was very surprised. In fact when he gave me a kiss that morning...I thought he was telling me bye so he could go to work. My eyes widened when he told me what he had planned for us. It was very sweet...we went to a water fall and ate our lunch to the sound of the water singing it's splash song. We took a hike by the river and had a wonderful time.
On our way home we mentioned stopping at a local coffee house to have a cup of joe. This was the same coffee house where I had painted the mural that you see at the top of my blog. My husband seemed to change his mind and we were almost to the exit. I suddenly had the urge to get coffee...very strongly. lol So, I quickly veered off onto the exit...taking my husband by surprise. We went into the coffee shop and found, to my sadness...that the shop was closing down and that it was the last day to be open! I looked at the mural on the wall and wondered, what was to become of it. I asked the cashier and she said, "I believe that it will be left behind." At that point my heart was sinking and I looked at my husband and asked him to please rescue my painting for me. He was my night in shining armor. He made it happen! He called the owner of the Coffee shop and the next day he and a friend brought my painting to rest at it's new and final home. I'm so thankful for my husband. We had no idea at the start of our day, that God was setting up a divine appointment, and that it would end with such a gift being given back to me.
I hope you enjoy the updated pictures. I still have to find time to turn the coffee bean plantation into a wine vineyard. One of these days...I will get a round to it. lol It's on my to do list.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Life is amazing!

I have to is amazing! Each day is a gift from the Lord and that gift is worth living to the fullest. We are all on a grand adventure. Don't you think that it is exciting to think of life that way? We can not know what tomorrow will hold, but with a positive outlook we can hope for the best.

I am finding that the more I seek the Lord in my life...the more he meets me in most extraordinary ways. He has opened doors that were closed to me and has put wonderful people in my life. I am truly blessed. Even when I do not feel like it...I am still blessed, because God has given me another day on this planet earth.

I have wanted to share my art with others for many years now and God has provided a way for me to do that. I have been amazed at the response of people, as I step out and share my art and writing with them. I do not take that for granted. What is stirring within me, I want to share with others. My hope is that it will touch people in some small way. Whether it be my art or something that I write. I hope to bring glory to God through it.

My husband and I just returned from a little get-a-way. We had a wonderful time and it was nice to just to relax and spend time with friends. I was aware of how rich my life is. No...I am not rich...but I am rich in so many other ways. I have a wonderful husband who loves me unconditionally, I have a beautiful daughter, I have wonderful nieces and nephews. I have parents who love me and great friends. Yes...I am rich and my heart is full. Yes, life is full and amazing! I am grateful for the gift of tomorrow.