It seems a lot has changed in my life over the past few months. The ebb and flow of the waves of life have pulled me out and brought me back. I've been up and down and at times...I have felt as if the tide of life would overwhelm me. I have been aware through it all that there is a hand that can reach me no matter how deep in the ocean of life I might go. That nail scarred hand has never left my side and I know if His eyes are on the sparrow...He watches over me.
I am on an adventure and I look forward to unwrapping the gift of life every day. For the first time in a very long time, I am free, not from life responsibilities, but free to pursue the gifts that are within me. Now that my daughter is grown and she has moved out on her own and I no longer take care of my great niece...I have time...time to explore. I feel like I'm starting over at almost 4o. That is what this blog is about...sharing my life with others and inspiring you to share your gifts with others. I am pursuing writing. I have written a couple of childrens books and I have been writing poetry. In fact, very nervously, just a few days ago, I entered my first poetry contest on and I hope some of you will go and rate my poems. I will try to post a link on here. I look forward to where this road will take me. I am becoming aware...that on this journey in life...I don't want to be carried away by the waves and I don't want to just make waves...I want to make an impact.
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