Yesterday, we gathered around the table with friends to celebrate Passover. We enjoy celebrating this holiday in memory of the Lord Jesus Christ, who became the pass over lamb for all who would believe in Him.
In ancient Egypt as the Israelites gathered for that first Passover, they were instructed to put the blood of the lamb that was sacrificed for dinner onto the door posts of there house. The last plague to overtake Egypt was a grim one, and each family that followed this crucial command had the assurance that the blood over the door posts would protect the first born son of that household. This marking of blood would set them apart as the Death Angel came through the land and destroyed the first born son of all in Egypt, this included the first born of the animals too. (Exodus 11:4-5)
Jesus became our Passover lamb when he was laid to rest on that holy celebration and He rose from the dead three days later. His blood was shed for the sin of the world and His blood is set on the door posts of our heart when we become a believer. We are then set apart for the kingdom of God and death no longer has a hold on us. We have an assurance, just as Jesus rose from the dead, that we will have eternal life too.
This holiday is a wonderful picture of Christ's saving grace. He cares for you.
My only regret concerning the evening...I forgot to take pictures.
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